Did you know?
Did you know that a company is always responsible for any accounting violations caused by wrong or faulty book keeping, even if it has engaged external accountancy services? The consenquence are hefty fines for the company and its authorited representatives.
Jeličić revizija has over 27 years of tradition and experience in accounting and finance pursuant to the highest stadards of competencies and business ethics.
We have supported our clients in more than XY tax and inspection supervisions, all of which have ended positively for our clients for which we have provided accounting, financial services and tax and bussiness consultancy.
Accounting services:
- Monthly: including inter alia processing and book entry of the accounting documentation; opening and keeping synthetic and analytic records of the general ledger; book of incoming and outgoing invoices; payroll accounting; JOPPD wage report;
- Quarterly: including inter alia drafting the quarterly statistical report; obračun pdv;
- Yearly: including inter alia drafting the yearly financial reports (GFI-POD); fixed assets depreciation calculations; IP forms; RAD-1G payroll reports; citizen tax declaration
- Additional services: finance, project and accounting consulting; specific analyses and reports to the needs and requirements of the customer; making investment programs to the needs and requirements of the customer; professional support when establishing a company; communication with state institutions; obračun drugog dohotka; other services required by the customer.